ISO 200
I love the light trails on this image! the turn tables are very clear and the pioneer logo looks great.
ISO 800
I found it really difficult to freeze the motion of the DJ without the strobe flashing away! but i found that this was a really successful photograph as he is very clear and sharp and the colours look really effective.
ISO- 800
High Iso for low light conditions. No flash to pick up loats of colour. a slow shutter speed allowed enough light to enter the lens and see the people a good amount of movemnet has been picked up. not sure why my aperture was set to f13 but i wonder if it would have come out as well with a lower aperture setting?
ISO 800
I used a very slow shutter speed to pick up the movement of his legs but used the 2nd curtain flash to freeze the motion as to not blur the face. Think this came out pretty well.
Is that Guetta?